Saturday, 14 June 2014

Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen: Ungor Herd

Ungors are more dextrous than Gors and possessed of a wiry strength that makes them more than a match for humans. They live to murder and despoil all that is wholesome and are extremely cruel and spiteful creatures. Ungor take to the field in large herds, arming themselves with stout spears with which to impale their prey, and crude shields to protect their grotesque bodies.
This box set contains 10 multi-part plastic Beastmen Ungor. This 98-piece set includes: 10 different bodies, 10 variations of shield, a selection of heads and all of the weapon parts needed to assemble your Ungor with either hand weapons, spears or bows. Also included are all of the components needed to assemble a musician, a standard bearer and a Halfhorn. Models supplied with 20mm square bases.

Normal Price - RM 86
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